FIDO X4 Firmware Update

Teledyne FLIR are excited to announce a new firmware release for the Fido X4 Premium Handheld Explosives Trace Detector.
Here is an overview of the most significant enhancements and updates.
- Adjusted “Sensing Element Replacement” triggers to occur less often
- Reduced frequency of “Low Battery Warning” from 5 to 20 minute intervals
- Replaced the “Verify Pass” Dial display with a solid green “Pass” icon
Detection Algorithm Improvements
- Reduced the expected False Alarm Rate (%FAR)
- Increased the expected Probability of Detection (Pd) for Threat Materials, including Nitrates, Smokeless Powders, Peroxide, and others.
- Increased Pd for Threat Materials sampled on vinyl surfaces
- Corrected a few minor bugs, impacting system diagnostics and UI elements
How to Update the Fido X4 System
- Obtain the .x4f file by emailing Teledyne FLIR at [email protected] or [email protected] and store it on a PC.
- Power ON the Fido X4 system and connect it to the PC using the included USB-A to USB-C cable. The Fido X4 will display as
a USB storage device. - Drag and drop the .x4f file onto the Fido X4, then disconnect from the USB cable.
- The Fido X4 system will automatically update, displaying progress onscreen. When the update completes, the system will
automatically shut down. - The system can now be powered ON and continue normal operation.
Supporting Data
Along with customer feedback, internal and 3rd party test results were analyzed to determine the key areas of focus for Detection
Algorithm enhancements. Sample files from these tests and additional samples collected internally, were added directly to the
existing algorithm training database to enable improvements to the Fido X4 Detection Algorithm.
- Expected FAR for Benign Materials wasreduced. This includes solvents, hand sanitizer, washing powder, shoe polish, and many others.
- Expected Pd for Threat Materials wasincreased. Includes ALL explosive materials in the Fido X4 detection library database.
- Expected FAR for more challenging surfaces was reduced.
Includes multiple types of Pleather/Vinyl, Ripstop Nylon, Zipper, Cordura and Cardboard. - Pd for Threats on specific Surfaces (Vinyl) increased. Includes AN, UN, HMTD, NG, PETN, RDX, Tetryl, TNT and Smokeless Powders.
For additional information, guidance, or questions, please reach out to our support team at: [email protected]