Sensor Solutions for Airborne Firefighting



FLIR Essential to Fighting Fires

Every fire season, wildfires damage large amounts of acreage and infrastructure, devastating local communities. These threats provide unique challenge to airborne firefighting units because of the unpredictable nature of the fires and the poor visibility caused by smoke. Systems like the Star SAFIRE 380-HDc, 380-HD and advanced capabilities of the 380X allow flight crews to see through smoke, detect hot spots, report real-time fire progressions, and provide tactical IR capabilities to augment the situational awareness of ground crews, and keep incident management apprised of critical issues.

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Real-time detection of fire makes a significant difference when it comes to directing ground firefighters who need to get into the incident, or leadership who need data to make decisions. Star SAFIRE 380 systems provide clear and detailed imagery of thermal activity on the ground, and can bypass the visual obstruction of smoke. The 380-HD provides ultra-long range performance, keeping airborne crews at a safe standoff distance without sacrificing accurate imaging.

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Star SAFIRE® 380-HD

Single LRU HD EO/IR Imaging System


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The Star SAFIRE® 380-HDc delivers unparalleled stabilized HD multi-spectral imaging in a compact, low-profile package. It’s designed to maximize ground clearance in rotary aircraft, and is especially important for crews who need to maximize airtime without sacrificing performance like HD IR, low-light imaging and SWIR.

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Star SAFIRE® 380-HDc

SWaP-C Single LRU HD EO/IR Imaging


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For operators who need more advanced features, the Star SAFIRE 380X offers the latest intelligent sensing capabilities for airborne firefighting. It helps operators spend less time searching and interpreting data, and more time taking critical actions. From multi-tile display of all payloads.

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Star SAFIRE® 380X

380X For Star SAFIRE 380-HD, 380-HLD and 380-HDc
